Purrr and Map: How to Save Intermediate Computations?
Image by Aigidios - hkhazo.biz.id

Purrr and Map: How to Save Intermediate Computations?

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If you’re an R enthusiast, you’ve probably stumbled upon the magical world of purrr and map. These two packages have revolutionized the way we handle data manipulation and iteration in R. However, as you delve deeper into the world of functional programming, you might find yourself wondering: how do I save intermediate computations using purrr and map?

The Problem: Losing Intermediate Results

Let’s say you’re working on a complex data pipeline that involves multiple iterations of data transformation, feature engineering, and model training. You’re using purrr’s `map()` function to iterate over a list of datasets, applying a series of functions to each element. Sounds efficient, right?


# example data
datasets <- list(dataset1, dataset2, dataset3)

# iterate over datasets
results <- map(datasets, function(x) {
  # data transformation
  x_transformation <- transform_data(x)
  # feature engineering
  x_features <- engineer_features(x_transformation)
  # model training
  x_model <- train_model(x_features)

The issue arises when you want to inspect or reuse intermediate results, such as the transformed data or the engineered features. By default, map() will only return the final result of the function, discarding any intermediate computations. This can be frustrating, especially when you need to troubleshoot or visualize intermediate steps.

The Solution: Using `map_dfr()` and `keep()`

The good news is that purrr provides two functions that can help you save intermediate computations: `map_dfr()` and `keep()`.

`map_dfr()`: Saving Intermediate Results as Data Frames

`map_dfr()`, short for "map, then bind rows," is a variant of the `map()` function that returns a data frame with the results of each iteration. This allows you to retain intermediate results and access them later.


# iterate over datasets, saving intermediate results
results <- map_dfr(datasets, function(x) {
  # data transformation
  x_transformation <- transform_data(x)
  # feature engineering
  x_features <- engineer_features(x_transformation)
  # model training
  x_model <- train_model(x_features)
  # return a data frame with intermediate results
    transformation = x_transformation,
    features = x_features,
    model = x_model

In this example, `map_dfr()` returns a data frame with three columns: `transformation`, `features`, and `model`. Each row corresponds to the intermediate results of each iteration.

`keep()`: Saving Intermediate Results as a List

`keep()` is another purrr function that allows you to save intermediate results as a list. This is particularly useful when you need to retain complex objects or custom classes that can't be easily coerced into a data frame.


# iterate over datasets, saving intermediate results
results <- map(datasets, function(x) {
  # data transformation
  x_transformation <- transform_data(x)
  # feature engineering
  x_features <- engineer_features(x_transformation)
  # model training
  x_model <- train_model(x_features)
  # return a list with intermediate results
  keep(x_transformation, x_features, x_model)

# results is a list of lists, each containing intermediate results

In this example, `keep()` returns a list of lists, where each inner list contains the intermediate results of each iteration. You can access these results using standard list indexing, such as `results[[1]]$transformation`.

Best Practices for Saving Intermediate Computations

When working with purrr and map, it's essential to follow some best practices to ensure that you're saving intermediate computations efficiently and effectively:

  • Use meaningful variable names**: When saving intermediate results, use descriptive variable names that reflect the contents of the object. This will make it easier to identify and access the results later.
  • Keep intermediate results organized**: Consider using lists or data frames to organize intermediate results in a structured and hierarchical manner. This will help you navigate and extract specific results more easily.
  • Profile and optimize performance**: When dealing with large datasets, it's essential to profile and optimize your code to minimize computation time. Use tools like `microbenchmark` or `profvis` to identify performance bottlenecks.
  • Document your workflow**: Keep a record of your data pipeline, including the functions and parameters used for each step. This will help you and others to understand and reproduce your results.


Saving intermediate computations with purrr and map is a powerful technique that can streamline your data workflow, improve reproducibility, and enhance collaboration. By using `map_dfr()` and `keep()`, you can retain valuable insights and results that would otherwise be lost. Remember to follow best practices for saving intermediate results, and you'll be well on your way to becoming a purrr-fect data scientist!

Function Description
`map_dfr()` Returns a data frame with the results of each iteration
`keep()` Returns a list with the results of each iteration

Now, go forth and purrr-fect your data workflow!

  1. purrr documentation
  2. map_dfr() documentation
  3. keep() documentation

This article has provided a comprehensive guide to saving intermediate computations using purrr and map. By following the instructions and best practices outlined above, you'll be able to retain valuable insights and results that would otherwise be lost. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

In the world of purrr and map, saving intermediate computations is a crucial skill to master. Let's dive into the most frequently asked questions about how to do it like a pro!

How do I save intermediate results in a purrr pipeline?

You can use the `.keep` argument in `map()` to specify which intermediate results to keep. For example, `map(.x, .keep = "all")` will save all intermediate results. You can also specify specific output to keep by passing a character vector of output names.

What's the difference between `.keep` and `.retain` in purrr?

`.keep` saves the intermediate results, while `.retain` saves the full output, including the input and all intermediate results. Think of `.retain` as keeping a complete history of your pipeline's computations!

Can I save intermediate results in a map() call with multiple outputs?

Yes! You can use the `.keep` argument along with the `map()` function's `. komp` argument, which allows you to specify a list of output names to keep. For example, `map(.x, .keep = "all", .komp = c("out1", "out2"))` will save all intermediate results for both `out1` and `out2` outputs.

How do I access saved intermediate results in purrr?

You can access saved intermediate results using the `$` operator or the `pluck()` function. For example, if you saved intermediate results as `map(.x, .keep = "all")`, you can access the first intermediate result with `result$1` or `pluck(result, 1)`. Easy peasy!

Are there any best practices for saving intermediate results in purrr?

Yes! Always consider the size and complexity of your data when saving intermediate results. Large datasets can become unwieldy, so it's essential to balance the need to retain intermediate results with the need to avoid memory issues. Also, be mindful of naming conventions and organization to ensure your pipeline remains readable and maintainable.

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