Dereferencing Pointers in a Slice: Unraveling the Mystery
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Dereferencing Pointers in a Slice: Unraveling the Mystery

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Are you a Go developer struggling to understand why dereferencing pointers in a slice doesn’t seem to yield the initial value that the pointer was created from? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Go slices and pointers, exploring the reasons behind this phenomenon and providing clear, step-by-step instructions to help you master this crucial concept.

The Basics: Slices and Pointers in Go

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, let’s quickly review the fundamentals of slices and pointers in Go.


In Go, a slice is a dynamically-sized, flexible view into the elements of an array. It’s essentially a reference to a contiguous block of memory. You can think of a slice as a window into an array, allowing you to manipulate the underlying data without having to worry about the array’s fixed size.

mySlice := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
fmt.Println(mySlice) // [1 2 3 4 5]


A pointer in Go is a variable that holds the memory address of another variable. When you declare a pointer, you’re essentially creating a new variable that points to the location of an existing variable. Pointers are denoted by the asterisk symbol (\*).

myVar := 10
myPtr := &myVar
fmt.Println(myPtr) // 0x1040a124

The Problem: Dereferencing Pointers in a Slice

Now that we have a solid understanding of slices and pointers, let’s explore the issue at hand. Consider the following code snippet:

mySlice := []*int{new(int), new(int)}
*mySlice[0] = 10
*mySlice[1] = 20
fmt.Println(*mySlice[0]) // Should print 10, but...
fmt.Println(*mySlice[0]) // ...prints a different value!

What’s going on here? Why doesn’t dereferencing the pointer in the slice yield the initial value of 10? The answer lies in how Go handles slice storage and pointer dereferencing.

How Go Stores Slices

When you create a slice in Go, it stores a reference to the underlying array, along with the length and capacity of the slice. This means that each element of the slice is essentially a reference to the corresponding element in the underlying array.

Slice Element Reference to Underlying Array Element
mySlice[0] &underlyingArray[0]
mySlice[1] &underlyingArray[1]

In our example, when we assign a new value to the pointer in the slice (`*mySlice[0] = 10`), we’re not modifying the original value in the underlying array. Instead, we’re creating a new value and storing it in a new memory location.

Dereferencing Pointers in a Slice

When we dereference a pointer in a slice (`*mySlice[0]`), Go returns the value stored at the memory address held by the pointer. However, since we’ve created a new value and stored it in a new memory location, the pointer now points to this new location, rather than the original value.

fmt.Println(*mySlice[0]) // Prints the new value, not the original 10

The Solution: Using the Original Pointer

So, how do we dereference the pointer in the slice and get the original value? The answer is simple: we need to use the original pointer, rather than the pointer stored in the slice.

myVar := 10
myPtr := &myVar
mySlice := []*int{myPtr}
fmt.Println(*mySlice[0]) // Prints 10, as expected!

In this revised example, we create a pointer to the original variable (`myVar`) and store it in the slice. When we dereference the pointer in the slice, we get the original value of 10, since the pointer still points to the original memory location.

Best Practices and Pitfalls

To avoid common pitfalls when working with pointers in slices, follow these best practices:

  • Always use the original pointer when dereferencing, rather than the pointer stored in the slice.
  • Avoid modifying the original variable after creating a pointer to it, as this can lead to unexpected behavior.
  • Be mindful of the lifetime of the original variable, ensuring it remains valid for as long as the pointer is used.


Dereferencing pointers in a slice can be a complex and nuanced topic, but by understanding how Go stores slices and pointers, you can master this crucial concept. Remember to use the original pointer, avoid modifying the original variable, and be mindful of the variable’s lifetime to avoid common pitfalls. With practice and patience, you’ll become a Go pro in no time!

Further Reading

For a deeper dive into Go’s memory model and pointer behavior, be sure to check out:

  1. The Go Programming Language Specification: Memory Model
  2. The Go FAQ: Pointers
  3. The Go Blog: Go Slices: Usage and Internals

Happy coding, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification on this topic!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about dereferencing pointers in a slice!

Why doesn’t dereferencing a pointer in a slice give me the original value?

When you add a pointer to a slice, the slice stores the memory address of the pointer, not the value it points to. So, when you dereference the pointer in the slice, you’re getting the current value at that memory address, which might not be the original value you want.

But I thought pointers were supposed to preserve the original value?

You’re right that pointers are meant to preserve the original value, but it’s a bit more complicated when you add them to a slice. When you add a pointer to a slice, the slice doesn’t know about the original value; it only knows about the memory address. If the original value changes, the slice will still point to the same memory address, but the value at that address might be different.

How can I get the original value back?

One way to get the original value back is to store the original value separately from the slice. This way, you can still use the pointer in the slice, but you’ll also have a copy of the original value that you can access later.

Why does this only happen with slices and not with individual pointers?

When you dereference an individual pointer, you’re directly accessing the memory address it points to. But when you add a pointer to a slice, the slice becomes a level of indirection. The slice stores the memory address of the pointer, and then you dereference the pointer in the slice. This extra level of indirection can lead to unexpected behavior if you’re not careful.

Is there a way to avoid this issue altogether?

Yes! Instead of storing pointers in a slice, consider storing the values directly in the slice. This way, you won’t have to worry about dereferencing pointers or losing the original values. Of course, this approach might not be feasible depending on your specific use case, but it’s a good rule of thumb to avoid storing pointers in slices whenever possible.